Today is Sunday and I am blessed to be in the choir at my local church. This gives me a chance to see a well-trained speaker each and every week from a back stage view. What does it mean to be a well-trained speaker? To me it is someone who holds themselves in a professional and authoritative stance. Not only do they speak well, know their topic and present it in a credible manner, but they communicate, with their body, an air of professionalism.
In light of the digital presentations we now are all privy too, it is just as important to communicate your message verbally with a tone of confidence. Just because you may not be physically in front of your audience don’t think that you can slack on practicing in front of your mirror. This exercise will help you build your level of confidence and give you just the edge you need when it comes time to share your message.
What are some other ways you can stand tall when presenting? Are there things you do to prepare for a virtual presentation that are different from a live presentation? Or do you always prepare the same way?